November design and holiday sales update
The first half of November was consumed with Equine Affaire: planning, packing, traveling, and 4 long days of shopping. Since this event is so close to the gift giving season, stocking stuffers and trainer gifts like belts, socks, and beanies were top picks for accessories. Windbreakers and the camo totes were the breakout stars that sold out first.
This event was also my maiden voyage pulling a trailer! Help from my Instagram fam gave me the confidence to pull it 5 hours each way (even through a little bit of NYC!). Now I feel like a pro. Watch out Beau… I think I’m ready for a horse trailer and some adventures. ;)
Did you see a new color of Adler breeches launched? I never thought I’d be so excited by tan pants! This shade of taupe is stunning and a perfect neutral to match a variety of tops and belts. And they come in both regular and petite sizes.
Speaking of tops, a new order of the Riley technical tops is in sewing and there will be two color combos restocking, and two new mesh combos. Any guess which are changing?
I’ve decided to go old school and simple with Black Friday savings. There will be a site wide discount code on current prices (even sale prices!). And SHH… just for email subscribers… keep your eyes on your email next week for a special code that will only be shared via email for even better savings! Not on the list, join now!
As a business, I’m also watching the sales for stuff like business cards, patches, and shopping bags. (Boring!) So I can’t wait to live vicariously through you, and see what fun stuff you’ve picked out for your holiday shopping list.