5 Tips for Balancing it All as an Adult Amateur
- Get a Planner! Whether it is a traditional paper planner (my suggestion) or an electronic variation. Each week make a game plan - normal work hours, special engagements, work-outs, hack rides, training rides, lessons, etc.. This way it’ll be easy to 1. Keep track of everything planned, 2. Make sure you schedule everything you want to do and 3. Make sure you haven’t overbooked yourself!
- Ride Share. As a working-adult amateur there’s unfortunately not enough hours in the day sometimes - especially in the winter. Often daylight expires pre-5pm through the winter and if you do not have access to an indoor (like me) this becomes problematic. When the days are shorter than you would like, add a training ride here or there. If you don’t have access to that you can always ask a barn mate to put in a hack to stretch your horse’s legs. Oce is a real fan of his aunties and IEA days!
- Goal Setting! Before you breeze by this one this applies to any and all goals - not just those in the show ring. These can be goals for your mental game, ground work, grooming tactics, you name it! It can be as simple as wanting to get your wiggle worm to be less fidgety in the cross ties. When setting goals I find it beneficial to make a variety of goals. Short-term, long-term, small and large. This way you don’t get overwhelmed by setting one lofty goal that’s challenging or time-consuming to obtain.
- Trust in Friends. Being an adult amateur equestrian is challenging - physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. You can’t have it all if you internalize your emotions and feelings. It is especially important to have a friend you can confide in and help you navigate some of the woes of equestrianism as a sounding board.
- Have FUN! I mean real, belly-laughing kind of fun. The kind of fun that made you get into this lifestyle - notice I didn’t call it a sport because honestly it's way more than that. It is easy to get caught up in the goals and planning, horse shows and training rides, but if you’re not having a good time then why are you doing it? I’ve had to pause and re-ground myself to this one from time to time.
About Sarah
Adult-Amateur Hunter Jumper/Equitation rider, Sarah Bachor, human to Ocelot and Enzo balances being an equestrian with being a practicing physician assistant and educator.
Follow Sarah on Instagram: @oxers2oncology
Read her blog: Oxers2oncology.com
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